B O N N I E   R A N D O L P H   G I B S O N



I play this CD often while I putter about our house, cleaning, watering plants, sweeping up cat hairs. Bonnie Gibson’s voice has made its way into the heart of our home. The songs at once soothe me, enervate me, transfix me and motivate me. At times I stop and sing along. During other times I am content to let the songs’ uplifting spirit drift around me. This CD is surely one of the best in our musical collection.—Lisa Kusel, Nevada City, CA

A wholesome, touching message from the heart. Bonnie Gibson is focusing on life in all its intricacies.—Lee Laughner, Phoenix, AZ

The words are meaningful, and the melodies match them. This is an album of songs that will resonate in many persons’ lives and hopes.—Sr. Margaret Farley, RSM, Yale University Divinity School

IT IS FABULOUS!!!—Charles Gray, Scottsdale, AZ

. . . I look forward to beginning the day reassured and inspired with Bonnie’s music. When day’s work is done, I go home singing praise and giving thanks with her music again. I also love to share her message with friends from far away. . . .Everybody should have the opportunity to experience God’s love with Bonnie’s music—Pauline Tang, Scottsdale, AZ and Hong Kong

I consider myself fortunate to have had the rare privilege of listening to Bonnie’s music decades ago. Her music was so fine, her singing so pure and spontaneous, so fluid and prolific, so creative and enchanting, that I imagined her producing a Broadway musical about the intricacies and vicissitudes of personal growth. After a lapse of many years, I received a surprising and wonderful gift in the mail, Bonnie’s CD of “Hello, Life! A Woman’s Journey.” The sound was the same, this time the music even more poignant and haunting, and I realized that her journey of growth and development never stopped. Her songs wake me up in the morning and the tunes stay with me all day long. I bought enough CD’s for my special loved ones this Christmas. I await with eager anticipation for her next recording.–Victor Bloom, MD, Grosse Pointe Park, MI